Cancer management with classical – Ayurvedic medicines – a report

What is Ayurveda?
Ayurveda, or the science of life, is more than a system of medical treatment. It also maintains health by the proper use of dietetics, physical exercise, positive unselfish thoughts, fresh air, heat, and sunlight.
Ayurveda is based on the firm and time tested principles of diagnosis and the treatment involved on physiological and natural law confirmed by practical experience which are documented in the classical texts like Charak and Sushrut samhita, which are edited, commented as well as added by the new experience gathered from time to time.
According to Ayurveda, the human body comprises of three basic elements, i.e., Dosha, Dhatu and Mala.
The Dosha, in their elemental form, regulates the physiological and biochemical activities of the body and its cell.
The elemental form of Dhatu, are the various form of body tissues or the result of protein metabolism.
The elemental Mala, are substances, used by the body and excreted in the modified form as waste products.
The three elements must maintain a dynamic equilibrium between themselves in order to maintain good health.
Ayurveda and Cancer
According to Ayurveda, ideology of Cancer begins in the very first chapter of Charak Samhita. The objective of Ayurveda is, the action or the medicine, which can establish, “the equilibrium of the body elements” and the procedure of maintaining the equilibrium of the body elements. In Ayurveda the diseases like Arbuda (Tumours), Granthi, Vidradhi, Dhatupak, Galaganda, Apchi, Gandamala, self occurring wounds, Raktapitta (haemorrhagic disorders with aggravated body heat and blood, Kusthas and Visarpa, are few disorders, in which, one can observe the so called cancer like, symptoms and diseases.
According to Ayurveda, the word “Arbuda”, defines as Stable Mountain like long- standing tumours, which never suppurates, and it is always occurs in vital organs like head, neck, stomach, liver, prostate gland etc.
The word “Vidradhi”, defines as stubborn, suppurative wound, deeply seated in various body tissues (Dhatu), with excessive provocation of body heat, wind and phlegm within blood and flesh.
The word Galaganda & Gandamala, define as tumour in the throat / or outside the throat (neck), and a chain or necklace of various tumors in neck, armpit, or loin, respectively.
The constituent part of the body, if further divided into the atoms (cells), are sure to become innumerable, since such cells or atoms are exceedingly numerous, very minute, and ultra-sensory.
In conjunction and disjunction of these cells, the activating factors are physiological characteristic action and nature. The conscious principle, as also the mind and the understanding are referable to as primordial element – PRADHANA, which indicates the broad divisions of the body parts as well as their numbers, i.e., nails, teeth, tissues, skin, hair, tendons referable to their proto element earth.
In human body proliferation of immature cells [BLAST CELLS], which remains uncontrolled, results in development of NEOPLASM [OR TUMOUR], is consider as CANCER.
In human body, sustaining elements, which get disturbed due to latent heat-innate in each of the proto-element the body, the metabolism of the sustaining element get disturbed, as a result all the thirteen body sustaining elements start functioning improperly. Here, the pathogenesis of cancer takes place.
There are more than 500 combinations of herbal as well as herbo-mineral substances are reported to have anti –tumour activities, anti scrofulous activities, anti-septic activities, anti –inflammatory activities and haemostatic activities. Medicines with alexipharmic properties, which clear pathogenesis at cellular level, are also used for management of various cancers, since time immemorial. Here are few examples.
- Tinospora Cordifolia – Supreme astringent, alleviative of ternary discordance of morbid humours, stomachic, reliever of phlegmatic and blood congestion (Ref. Charak Samhita).
- Tecoma Undulata — Alleviative of excessive wind and heat, demulcent, allays abscess with spoiled blood and haemorrhagic disorders. (Ref. Bhavaprakash).
- Adhatoda Vasika — Alleviative of excessive wind and heat, demulcent, allays abscess with spoiled blood and haemorrhagic disorders. (Ref. Vaidya Jeevan).
- Boerhavia Diffusa – Enhances metabolism of vital cells, rejuvenating, tonic, anti-inflammatory, authorised herb in the treatment of abscess of spoiled blood & flesh with excessive wind. (Ref. Sushrut Samhita).
- Crataeva Nurvala – Anti-inflammatory, authorised herb in the treatment of suppurative & secretive, external as well as internal abscess. (Ref. Sushrut Samhita).
- Sarveshvar Parpati — Choicest combination of generalised abscess with spoiled blood & flesh with deficient metabolism, excessive diarrhoea, dyspnoea, bronchitis and arrested digestive strength. (Ref. Hindu Alchemy Tradition – RASA RATNA SAMUCHCHAYA).
- Abhrak Bhasma (1000 times calcined –oxide of mica) – Choicest mineral drug for loss of energy, emaciation, loss of vital body elements and fluids like plasma, blood etc., arrested immunity, phthisis, chronic low grade fever, blood impurities due to excessive wind & diminished healing power of the body tissues. (Ref. Hindu Alchemy Tradition – RASODDHAR TANTRA – RASODHDHAR TANTRA).
- Panna Pishti (micro fined pestle of Emerald) – Refrigerant, energizes vitality and restorative energy, demulcent. (Ref. Hindu Alchemy Tradition – RASODDHAR TANTRA – RAOSDHDHAR TANTRA).
- Hirak Bhasma (Oxideted Diamond) – 1. Allays pathogenic dermatosis, alterative, and stimulant. (Ref. Hindu Alchemy Tradition – Dr. K. M. Nadkani – MATERIA MEDICA- Part –2, Mineral Kingdom, page-2, line-3, 4,6.). 2. Alleviative of tridiscordance of morbid humours allays all kind of incurable diseases. (Ref. Hindu Alchemy Tradition – CHARAK SAMHITA –CHIKITSA STHANA – KUSHTHADHYAYA).
- Tamra Bhasma (Oxideted Copper) – 1. Supreme antimicrobial and anti-septic … ((Ref. Hindu Alchemy Tradition – RASODDHAR TANTRA – RAOSDHDHAR TANTRA). 2. Colloidal form increases activity of cell metabolism, cholagogue … (Ref. Hindu Alchemy Tradition – Dr. K. M. Nadkani – MATIRIA MEDICA- Part –2, Mineral Kingdom, page-50, line-6.)
- Suvarna Bhasma – (Oxideted Gold) — Supreme alleviative wind, alexipharmic, cerebro-cardiac tonic, antimicrobial, increases vitality 7 longevity. (Ref. Hindu Alchemy Tradition – CHARAK SAMHITA –CHIKITSA STHANA – RASAYANADHYAYA).
- Cow’s urine – Anti-tumour activity, alexipharmic, aperient, clears channel obstruction.
- Goat’s urine – light, anti-inflammatory, aperient, clears channel obstruction, promotes intellect.
- Buffalo’s urine — Anti-tumour activity, alexipharmic, aperient, clears channel obstruction.
- Human auto urine — Anti-tumour activity, alexipharmic, aperient, clears channel obstruction.
Note – These substances are contra-indicated for suppurative, foul smelling wound with excessive body heat.
- Ambergris — intellect promoter, stimulant, alterative, restorative, promotes longevity, immunity modulator.
- Stag’s horn & Deer’ horn – Antimicrobial, anti –septic, clears pus formation, analgesic.
- Musk — anti-tumour activity, alexipharmic, aperient, clears channel obstruction, stimulant, and intellect promoter.
- Blood of Goat and Pigeon – Haematinic, alterative, tonic.
- Dung of cow and Buffalo – Anti-septic, anti-inflammatory.
- Bile of various wild and pet animals, fishes – Alterative, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory.
- Castorium — Intellect promoter, stimulant, alterative, restorative, promotes longevity, immunity modulator.
- Civet — Intellect promoter, stimulant, alterative, restorative, promotes longevity, immunity modulator.
- Honey – Tonic, demulcent, alterative, anti-inflammatory, alleviative of provoked bile and phlegm.
- Honeybee’s Wax. – Demulcent, anti-septic promotes granulation in chronic ulcers.
- Bone marrow – Alleviative of aggravated wind and excited nervous system, pacify extremely painful ulcers, useful for mylofibrosis.
1. Agnikumar Rasa 2. Chitrakadi vati. 3. Chandraprabhavati vati 4. Chandanadi vati. 5. Jayamangal Rasa. 6. Ichchhabhedi Rasa. 7. Arogyavardhini vati. 8. Kanchnar Guggulu. 9. Triphala Guggulu. 10. Punarnava Guggulu. 11. Krishna Chaturmukha Rasa. 12. Maha Mruganka Rasa. 13. Mruganka Rasa. 14. Yakrut-plihari Loha 15. Yogaraj Rasayan .13. Maha – Mryutyunjaya Loha 15. Vyadhiharana Rasa. 16. Gandhak Rasayan 17. Panchamrut Parpati. 17. Lila-Vilas Rasa. 18. Gulma-kalanal Rasa. 19. Bruhat Shrungarabhra Rasa. 19. Cancer-Gaja Kesari 20. Ashtamurti Rasayan 21. Maha – Mryutyunjaya Rasa. 22. Bhimarudra Rasa. 23. Kalakut Rasa 24. Suvarna Bhupati Rasa 25. Suvarna Vasant Malti Rasa. 26. Pushpadhanva Rasa. 27. Maha laxmi Vilas Rasa. 28. Narsinha Churna. 29. Amrut- Bhallataka Avleha. 30. Vasant Kusumakar Rasa. 31. Udaramaya Kumbhi kesari Rasa. 32. Gandamala Kandan Rasa. 33. Vijaya Parpati 34. Dhatu Jvarankush Rasa. 35. Amir Rasa. 36. Sarsvtarishta .37. Pancha-tikta Ghrut Guggulu. 38. Nrupati Vallabha Rasa. 39. Upadanshkuthar Rasa. 40. Upadansha Surya Rasa. 41. Chopchinyadi Churna 42. Chandandi Loha. 43. Vajarkshara Churna 44. Siddha Pranesvara Rasa. 45. Guduchyadi Loha 46. Mandur vataka. 47. Shiva Gutika. 48. Sannipata Bhairava Rasa. 49. Annabhedi Chenduram 50. Bruhat Kravyada Rasa. 51. Tribang Bhasma. 52. Krushna Naga Bhasma. 53. Maha Shankh Vati. 54. Tamra Sinduram. 55. Varunadi Gana. 56. Amalki Rasayan 57. Amra khanda. 58. Maha Yogaraja Guggulu. 59. Vidangarishta. 60. Amrutarishta 61. Vranapahari Rasa. 62. Shiva Gutika. 63. Krumi-Kuthar Rasa. 64. Chandra Kala Rasa. 65. Madhu Yashtyava leha.
- Management of Chronic Active Hepatitis, with HCV – report of two patients.
Name – Mr. GulzarSing Negi, Age approximately – 50 years, male. Mr. G. Negi was come to reduce his unexplained intermittent fever, with severe pain in the right lower ribs. In April-99. His fever was normalised using Ayurvedic classical medicine –Sanjiwani Vati – 4 tablets / Qds, within 48 hours of drug intake. 6-8 week later, I have come to know about his Thoracotomy and decortications in the famous Indraprstha- Apollo Hospitals of New Delhi. For last five years, He had rheumatism with stiffness of joints, diabetes mellitus and Stiffness of both the shoulder joints. After Surgical correction tubercular empyema, he was on AKT for more than nine months. During this time Mr. Negi, was often taking Ayurvedic fever-relieving medicines, whenever he has had fever. His USG report of may-99 was, significant enough, suggestive of right-sided pleural effusion with glandular enlargement in para-aortic and paracaval region. There were small polyps are seen in gall bladder. At that time liver, spleen, pancreas and kidneys were normal. Again in October –99, Mr. Negi, took periodically ayurvedic medicines to prevent recurrent fever with taking AKT. After completing this treatment, in January 2000, Mr. Negi was, taking ayurvedic digestives to and anti- diabetic decoction to control his diabetic problems. In February -2000, he all off a sudden developed Jaundice with dark coloured urine and pale off-white stool with tenderness over liver area and he took opinion of Gastro-enterologist, MR. Love Dalal, and he confirmed, Chronic Active Hepatitis, with HCV with high enzymes. He was also given simultaneous treatment of clinically evidenced jaundice, for three months, He recovered well, but his problems associated with muscle rheumatism, were not abolished completely. He was not in a position to move his both the hands upwards freely. His diabetes was also fluctuating with progressive fatigue; he again developed jaundice, in September-2000. His SGPT level, was monitored, with ayurvedic drugs, but this was not satisfactory. During this period he developed rising ascites with sign of hypoglycemia, palmer erythema, anorexia and spider and tense ascites with high SGPT IN November –2000. He had USG guided ascitic tapping by Dr. Sandip Zhala, and tapped fluid was found negative for malignancy. Again within the period of 10 days, Mr. Negi, developed ascites with discomfort and loss of appetite, He was referred to Dr. Hasmukhbhai Vora for ascitic tapping, he also advised not to tape fluid frequently and prescribed palliative treatment for ascites management.
After the opinion of Dr. Vora, I started strong laxation every day for 15 days with avoidance of any spicy food especially garlic, potatoes, curd, black grams, mustard oil, mint, basil, and any kind of legumes. He was also taking protein biscuits and diuretic under the guidance of Dr. Vora. After 15 days his abdomen, was almost got, normal, and no fluid was noticed in the abdominal cavity, his palmer erythema was disappeared.
After, that I was able to reduce exudation of ascitic fluid and related problems. He had generated exceptionally good appetite and advised to take as much quantity of food, fruit juices as he like, except the restricted ones.
This treatment schedule was maintained for next 25 days. Then laxation was done every 3-5 daily, as he required and feels heaviness in abdomen. During this period, his symptoms of rheumatism were, almost disappeared. He feels energetic and can walk for even 2-5 kms a day and can climb 3 floors without taking rest. His appetite was very well inflamed that after, the period of six months, he is in position to digest even black grams and condensed milk. He was given during jaundice certain herbo-mineral combinations like Tapayadi Lauha, Maha laxmi –Vilas Rasa and Glycerrhyza Glabra; mainly to monitor his raised SGPT. He was given Strong laxation with the classical medicine – Ichchhabhedi Rasa. To stimulate his digestive fire, he was put on an amazingly simple remedy, Chitrakadi Vati.
He was also given syrup prepared by decoction of Picrorhiza Kurrooa, Tinospora Cordifolia, Swertia Chirata, Fumeria Indica, Ciperus Rotundus with flowers of Viola Odorata and alexipharmic combination, namely Nirvishyadi Vati.
At present, He is on therapeutic laxation every monthly and syrup, and dietetic regimen, above mentioned. He is happy with the treatment. His family is also happy.
Name – Mr. Varshaben H. Shah, age- 43 years, C/O. Dr. Bharatbhi Parikh, with chronic active Hepatitis, with portal hyper-tension +, so. Varices and ascites, with tenderness of lever and abdomen with hardness in abdomen. She stated treatment on 23 November- 01.
She is given, Combination 1, to clears obstruction, Combination-2 to reduce her hyper acidic bile and oedema with one medicine prepared with Cow’s urine and Maha Sudarshan Churna Tablets of Dabur Ayurvedic Specialities Ltd. She was given first Course for 5 days. She has a significant reduction in her low-grade fever, heaviness in abdomen and loss of appetite. She is also advised to avoid food such as garlic, basil and mint leaves, mustards, and legumes like drumsticks, curd, and potatoes. She feels energetic and her oedema, which was coming every morning, disappeared completely. Hardness over liver region was also reduced and feeling tightness is almost disappeared.
After 10 days of treatment, now she is put on strong laxation every alternate daily. Her response to Ayurvedic treatment is seemed excellent. Let me wait and monitor her complains at the times. According to Ayurveda, though she had 1-2 adverse symptoms, but I am hopeful for her recovery. May God Dhanvantari and Rhishi Bhardvaja bless her with longevity!
- Management of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia – report.
Name – Master Mayank Dipak Patel, age 9years, is a only son of my classmate, Dr. Rasik Patel’s younger brother, has had frequent high grade fever, referred to have had bone-marrow biopsy and Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia was detected with possible penetration of blast cell in to the brain in 1998. He underwent Ayurvedic treatment after aggressive chemotherapy after hospitalisation. He was given Ayurvedic herbo- mineral Combination Tapyadi Lauha, simultaneously with allopathic medicines, with occasionally, Suvarana Vasant Malti and Narshinha Churna, and a combination of three astringent fruits, Triphala. After, completion of chemotherapy, he developed suppurative discharge in his left eye, the surgical correction was advised for removal of pus pocket from maxillary sinus, and put on fourth generation anti-biotics. But as soon as the, the anti-biotics discontinued, he again developed suppurative exudation. He was advised to take long term course of antibiotic, but in last the situation was tedious after completion of any course. How ever due to removal of a large amount of tissues, patient’s father, was not in favour of surgical correction.
He was given, Ayurvedic Classical medicines, namely Gandhak Rasayan – 250 mg. /twice a day with Deva-Kusumadi Vati –2 pills twice a day and a combination of Glycerrhyza Glabra, Embelica Ribes, Embelica Officinalis, Tribulus Terestris and Tinospora Cordifolia for three months, in January 1999. His abscess was disappeared almost, and exudation was restricted up to 80 % with complete removal of pus channel from infected bone!
His exudation is however not abolished completely, but it is under control for a very long period. He is at present in state of remission, and I hope this treatment may help him for alleviation of his chronic lymphocytic leukaemia.
- Management of Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia – report.
Name – Late. Mr. Kirit L.Thanki, Age About 34, my loving brother in law. He was patient of chronic cold with sinusitis; he also has had an attack of hemiplegic stroke at the age of 25 year, due to exposure to extreme cold. He recovered well after that event. After marriage with my younger sister, my beloved Mira, he had frequent episode of abdominal pain. He had also undergone for surgical correction of appendicitis in June- 1993. There after he had complains of lymphomas all over the body, for which he was given some ayurvedic remedies under the guidance of my respected Guru. Vaidya Arvindbhai Trivedi, eminent traditional Vaidya of Ahmedabad. He had relief for some extent.
There after in April-1994, he suddenly developed abdominal pain. I took him to cancer surgeons Dr. Jayeshbhai Patel and Dr. Natubhai Patel. They advised for thorough checking in the reputed cancer and general hospital. Very next day I took him to cancer hospital for thorough check-up, and there chronic myeloid leukaemia, was detected with moderate enlargement of spleen with massive haemolysis and disseminated intra-vascular coagulation, was the cause of his lymphoma and massive reduction in his platelet counts. He was admitted in the hospital and given aggressive chemotherapy, with Blood transfusions. He recovered very well and kept on palliative chemotherapy.
In June 1994, he had fluctuations in blast cells, and progressive anaemia with untreated spleenomegly was observed. After that ayurvedic medicines were started with the permission of respected Dr. Pankajbhai Shah. I had personal talk with Dr. Shah in presence of Late. Mr. S.R. Vora and to my pleasure and wonder, Dr. Pankajabhai, allow me to treat my brother in law. I Stared first off all dietetic regimen and restrict him to take green leafy vegetables, which were do rather more harm to a patient with enlargement of spleen according to Ayurveda, and advised to take as much as more quantity of Alphanso Mangoes, as and when he feel hungry. With this dietetic advice, he was given few medicines, like Manjishtha (Rubia Codifolia), Tinospora Cordifolia, Punarnava (Borrhevia Diffusa), Chandrakala Rasa, and Arogyavardhini Rasa. His haemoglobin was monitored up to the normal level.
His minor problems like cough, mild fever was treated using traditional Ayurvedic medicines, which were proved useful to monitor his haemoglobin level near 11-12 almost. He was able to carry all his routine activities without a single instance of blood transfusion up to January –1995. Then during this time, he was advised to undergo bone-marrow transplantation, by haematologist of Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai. He also has had visit to CMC, Vellore and after consultation with Dr. Denison, he got ready to undergo experimental bone-marrow transplantation treatment. In February – 95, his bone-marrow transplantation was successfully done and as the bone marrow was successful, he had become victim of graft-versus host disease and in June-1995, he developed severe jaundice with raised enzymes. In September –1995, he was advised to undergo aggressive treatment for the Jaundice, and he was admitted once again in CMC – Vellore in very crucial condition with unexplained fever, which was not responding to any medicine and even latest cyclosporines. His jaundice was progressive, and fever was going to peak on 21 September 1995. Dr. Denison had given permission to give him ayurvedic medicines for treating his disease. He was given cold infusion Of Baladi Quath (Ref. Charak Samhita) in the quantity of 100 ml in single a dose. To my and Dr. Denison’s wonder fever was normalised very next day, all the attending doctors were in pleasant surprise. He was given nutritious food for next 5 days, after getting down the fever, which increases his weight 2 kgs, but within five days, I was not able to gain trust of my brother-in law, he gave up the treatment under his father Lt. Mr. L.B. Thanki, who just died before six months due to brain tumour. Mr. Kirit Thanki had only an extraordinarily little improvement in her terminal condition. He could have been survived if he would have been continued the Ayurvedic treatment even at the time of his death. Just after, 15 days he died without fever, with leaving all of us in such critical conditions!
- Management of Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the tongue – a case study of two patients.
Name – Mr. Datania, presented with squamous cell carcinoma with severe pain and putrid smelling from his mouth. He was given Unjha Carsowin – 2 capsules /BD for a week. His pain was reduced to almost 75 % and pus formation was disappeared, within a period of month he was significantly recovered. At this moment, pt. Mr. Datania was expecting from me that I would have proved that, this was not a cancer, I denied. He left the treatment. No Data could be available than.
Mrs. Anjaniben Mahesker, Age – about 65 years, presented with well defined S.C. C of tongue, she was given few anti-inflammatory combination like Chitrakadi Vati – 4 tablets + Trifala Guggulu – 4 tablets / TDS to reduce his inflammation + Amar Sundari Vati — 4 Tablets TDS with decoction of ginger in milk. She discontinued the medicines, as she did not suit well with the medicines. She felt that perhaps she had hot effect of my medicines.
Mr. Hasubhai Joshi, of Baroda and my relative, in 1990 presented him self with S.C.C of thyroid gland (left sided), after surgical correction in the cancer hospital, he had severe leucopenia after chemotherapy. He was than advised to take Bang Bhasma (White Oxide of Tin) in 500 mg / BD along with Kanchnar Guggilu – 8 tablets QDS for a month. He recovered well and exceptionally long period of remission. After, that again he developed the tumour, Had surgical removal last year. Just before 2 months he had also surgical correction once again, for advancement of the past problem in his right sides’ thyroid gland. His father is senior Vaidya that is why I am waiting to treat him, if he allows me to treat his son! Mr. Joshi is living and suffering with the progression of the disease in miserable condition!
- Management in terminal stage of a patient of well-differentiated Adenocarcinoma of the intestinal type.
Mr. Abdullahbhai Hathila, Age about 90 years, whom I had to visit in one morning of January –1997. He was on the feeding with Ryle’s tube and was breathing his last respiration. He was critical and can pass on any moment. I must give him treatment, so he can reach to Godhara. His mental as well as physical condition was very crucial, and he was in semi- conscious stage. He was given Classical medicines, Bruhat Vata Chintamani Rasa along with Javahar Mohara Rasa and Praval Panchamrut Rasa, along with certain anti-inflammatory herbs like Punarnava, Varun, Rakta Rohitak, Chitrak mool and others. He gains consciousness lived for more than 20 day after January –12 and died peacefully and comfortably at his home!
- Management of Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Liver —
Mrs. Shah, presented with S.C.C. of liver, with abdominal heaviness and constipation, with hardness over right hypogastric region. She was advised to Take Unjha Carsowin Capsules 2 capsules – twice a day for 10 days, in July 1991. Patient discontinued medicines for no reason; further data could not be accessible.
Mrs. Hasumatiben Shah, age about, 60 years of age, presented with CA – Pancreas, with constant and severe abdominal pain, loss of appetite, burning in the stomach in June-1999. She was given Narayana Churna (Dabur), Udaramaya kumbhi kesari Rasa, Chitrakadi Vati along with the juice of ginger and Maha Shankha vati and Baladi Ghrut. She has mild improvement in her pain and her appetite was improved and she also started taking sleep for 4-5 hours. Her attending physician discontinued her treatment, as he was against the use of herbo-mineral substance. I had few scientific reasoning and references, but I cannot compel any body to continue the treatment. She discontinued the treatment and died after a month! I feel very helpless on such occasion! Don’t you feel?
- Management of CA – Oesophagus after chemotherapy.
Mr. S. Agraval, age about 48, presented with severe burning on very next day of horrible earthquake. He had had aggrasive chemotherapy in Tata Memorial Hospital by Reputed Dr. Advani. Nor any antacid, neither any food was able to give him relief. He had given Gulkand with pestle of coral with Gandhak Rasayan, Powdered Glycerrhyza Glabra, Asparagus Racemosus, Tinospora Starch, Rasayan Churna and Sitopaladi Churna. He felt relief and continued treatment for more 15 days. After, that he had second course of chemotherapy. But with the use of above-mentioned combination, he was comfortable. He later rushed to any tribal healer in Madhya Pradesh, now a days he has aggravated his diseases by using tobacco again.
- Management of AIDS patient in the terminal condition –
I was called upon to visit Mr. Bharat Patel, on 29 December 1996, in the ward B – 8, who was cousin of my young friend Dr. Prasant Nakrani. He was admitted in for intermittent fever, oral candidiasis, severe diarrhoea, and pain in the abdomen with depressive features. After continued administration of Intra venous antibiotics, his response was extremely poor. He was admitted in the civil hospital on 27 December –1996.
According to his reports he was found ELISHA reactive for HIV – 1.
He was given ayurvedic medicines namely, Kamadhudha rasa – 500 mgs. + Sutashekhar rasa –250 mgs. + Krumi Mudgar rasa 2 tabs of Shree Baidyanath Ayurveda Bhuvan. His response to this medicine was surprising! His candidiasis, abolished completely, on the very next morning on 30th December 1996. His diarrhoea was completely under control. The patient was very, enthusiastic he took discharge from the hospital and came to visit me on 1st January –1997, self –driving his motorcycle. He continued further medicine till February. But his talkativeness and overconfidence were the problems, proved fatal for him to survive. In March 1997, he died due to use of strong sedatives injection given to him in his village- by a village practitioner.
- One cannot deny usefulness of ayurvedic medicines even in crucial stage. It may prove more beneficial if patients come earlier.
- Ayurvedic medicines can be administered simultaneously with any other medicines except Homeopathic medicines, as some medicines may contain strong aroma, which may prevent homeopathic medicines to work properly.
- Use of certain herbo-mineral drug is mandatory. It is observed that if such drug used, by properly qualified Vaidya, it would definitely have right action without any organ damage. Now scientists found metals like Gold, Silver, Copper, Iron, Zinc, Tin, Lead, etc. in living system, as trace elements.
- Seventeen trace elements including iron have been identified as essential to humans and other higher animals. Out of these, seven trace elements viz. Iron, Zinc, Copper, selenium, molybdenum, and chromium have known to be essential and other five trace elements namely, boron, manganese, nickel, silicon and vanadium are categorised as elements that are probably essential. Certain potentially toxic elements such as fluoride, arsenic, aluminium, mercury, cadmium, lead, and tin have been associated with some essential functions. (WHO –1966).
- Even If, certain herbal drug has very strong reaction patterns. Lord Charak says a toxic substance can be converted to an excellent medicine by proper processing. But the improperly administered medicines too become poisonous.
- According to Ayurvedic treatise, perfect Ayurvedic diagnosis and evaluation is mandatory to assess patient’s possible prognosis whether good or bad. What miracle happened during the treatment of various critical patients, is only evidence of valid scientific process, which our ancestral masters had observed!
- Ayurvedic rejuvenation therapy is capable of tackling many age-related problems including dementia. My Clinical experience makes me optimistic of remarkably effective and curative remedies of dreadful diseases like cancers and aids.
Globally, there is great demand for Ayurveda and Ayurvedic remedies. Naturally, commercial activities will flourish to tap hitherto unexplored areas. Judicious commercialization and scientific evaluation of ayurvedic formulations are necessary for the sustenance and growth of Ayurveda if the basic tenets are adhered to. How ever, a few unscrupulous industrialists as well as practitioners is to be blamed for the misrepresentation of Ayurveda.
Combination 1 & 2, which are mentioned in Case study – Management of hepatitis – with positive HCV.
Combination1 contains – Tamra Bhasma, Vajra Kshar, Narayana Churna, Purified Borax, and Piper Longum in therapeutic dose.
Combination 2 contains – Embelica Officinalis, Glycerrhyza Glabra, Gandhak Rasayan, and Tribang Bhasma in therapeutic dose.
Combination 2 contains – Embelica Officinalis, Glycerrhyza Glabra, Gandhak Rasayan, and Tribang Bhasma in therapeutic dose.
This statements have not been evaluated by FDA. This statement is not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease or condition, and are only for educational purpose.