There is a great deal of information circulating about the Corona virus (Covid-19) and many promises of cures from a variety of resources are claimed. I would like to take this opportunity to share my understanding of the rapidly evolving information currently available on the virus. This information is based on early data developed and analyzed in ayurvedic text book like Charak and Sushrut Samhita and other medical books, from rapidly evolved and changing situations worldwide and only with time we will have a better understanding about the true nature of the infectiousness of this virus and its dangers.
The 2019–20 corona virus is an ongoing pandemic of corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome corona virus 2 (SARS-CoV-2).

Ayurveda has very precisely described causes of pandemic diseases in Charak Samhita Viman Sthan. Ayurveda explains a number of causes of “Janpadodhwansakari Rogas” or pandemic diseases. Even though there are similarities in the physical constitutions of human beings, there are still factors like air, water, location and seasons which are uncommon to all individuals and vitiation of these factors leads to the simultaneous manifestations of diseases having same set of symptoms leading to destruction of countries.
Because this is a new virus, everyone is vulnerable regardless of their age. This means a 70-year-old is just as likely to be infected as a 7-year-old — and far more likely to die.
US Centers for Disease Control (CDC), define a reservoir of infection as any person, other living organism, environment or a combination of these, in which infectious agent lives and replicates, and on which the infectious agent is dependent for its survival. The infectious agent is transmitted from reservoir to vulnerable host.
Vulnerability is very well explained in Ayurveda.
An unbalanced system does not respond well to most of the vulnerable conditions. Diseases are manifested in susceptible conditions of host by any pathogens.
Ayurveda clearly stated about vulnerability. Diseases are only originated at the sites where their abnormal conditions of cells and channels due to imbalances of bodily dohas. Upper and Lower respiratory tracks are parts of Udaka (Type of Kapha (Water element) vaha and Prana (type of vata ( Air element) vaha Strotas (Channels).
Big debates are going on about Covid -19 and seasonality. Some considered decrease of pandemic of COVID 19 to hot climate is an educated speculation.
Some infectious disease specialists believe “Corona viruses have seasonality,” Certain environmental conditions favor the transmission of viruses. Cold weather, humidity, may affect trajectory. There’s a good reason to hopefully believe Covid 19 will have seasonality.
It may take few years to establish precisely how seasonality factors into this virus’ spread. 2019-nCoV is an emerging pathogen, and there is not much population immunity, Why this viruses spread more efficiently in such conditions remains a matter of study at this time, but analytical studies from Ayurvedic text books like Charak and Sustrut Samhita, clearly stated that Air, Water, Season and Locations as pathogenic to such kind of pandemic disease, and can destroy countries.
It’s untimely to count on warmer weather impacting this corona virus’ trajectory, says Michael Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Disease and Policy at the University of Minnesota.
People assume that because the SARS epidemic ended in the summer. We have no idea if that was a coincidence or not. It just may have happened to be the time or we controlled it.
It is true that most established respiratory pathogens of human beings recur in in cold weather, but a new appreciation for the high burden of disease in tropical areas reinforces questions about explanations resting solely on cold air or low humidity. Newly emergent zoonotic disease such as Ebola or pandemic strains of influenza have occurred in unpredictable patterns.
MERS cases continue when temperatures are 110 degrees in the Arabian Peninsula. Several of such virus’ peaks have been in the middle of the summer. After reviewing all these data and analysis according to ayurvedic perspective such kind of viruses tend to be resistant and a kind of combinations of Vayu Mahabhut (Air element) and Jal mahabhut (Water Element).
This can also be further classified as pathogenic Vata quality ruksha (dry) and picchhil (Viscose) quality of Kapha.
Charak described this kind of phenomena under Jwara chapter. Fever caused by ill attachments like passion, anxiety, fear or anger and by infection of organism is known as “Bhutabhishangaja” Jwara – fever. Passion, anxiety and fear aggravate pitta (Heat) and infection aggravates all three doshas manifesting symptom according to organism concerned.
In Sushrut Samhita I found similar description for internal use of meat and its relation to pathogenic dohas. Sushrut clearly mention that meat which is dried, putrefied, and of animals died due to disease, poison and snake bits, pierced with poisonous arrow, old (stored), from emaciated animals, to young and kept with unwholesome food, are harmful, losses potency, unbalanced with doshas , subdued, exhausted, deficient and immature. Meat other than these qualities is edible.
Such kind of unwholesome meat is heavy (difficult to digest) causes anorexia, coryza (Sneezing, fever, cold-cough, shortness of breath etc.). Meat from animals killed due to pollution and with bhutas (organism) and / or poisons can cause even death.
Eight types of such syndromes have been described in context of Bhutas (Organisms). Some also experience fever caused by contact of polluted/poisoned air. These are some views as per ayurvedic textbooks can be helpful to offer new directions to ongoing research on such diseases.
The Ayurvedic Perspective I would like to recommend to stay healthy and stay balanced. A balanced doshas in body and immune system respond well in a balanced manner to any illness. You can control your life and lifestyle to the extent and avoid becoming a susceptible host. |
“CDC estimates that the burden of illness during the 2018–2019 season included an estimated 35.5 million people getting sick with influenza, 16.5 million people going to a health care provider for their illness, 490,600 hospitalizations, and 34,200 deaths from influenza.” |
In China, where the numbers are being closely watched, Covid-19 now has a 3.5% mortality rate, anywhere from a 35 to 70 times higher mortality rate than the flu, depending on the flu year analyzed. If we use the US 2018/2019 flu numbers of over 35 million and apply this to Covid-19, in the US alone, over 1.2 million people could lose their lives. Therefore, governments are quite concerned with stemming the spread of this virus. Additionally, the number of individuals that develop serious symptoms is quite high, with many developing some form of pneumonia and, in the most severe cases, respiratory failure. With some of the most severe cases, individuals develop an immune reaction known as a cytokine storm, whereby their immune system becomes over-exited and a flood of immune cells and biochemicals destroy lung tissue and other organs. Also, it has been observed that permanent or long-term lung tissue damage can take place in a high percentage of those with the virus, regardless of severity or symptoms. The highest mortality rate is found in those over the age of 60 and those with already compromised immune systems and other problems like diabetes, blood pressure but no one is immune from this serious illness, and younger adults and children have also fallen seriously ill from Covid-19. As mentioned earlier, regardless of age or symptoms, long-term lung damage is being noted in a high percentage of cases. Highly Contagious Covid-19 is highly contagious. Current statistics show Covid-19 to be over 2 times more contagious than influenza. The virus is passed from person to person through respiration, touching objects contaminated by those contagious and then touching your nose, mouth, or eyes, and it is also passed through feces. Many with the virus are completely symptom free and thus circulate in society unintentionally infecting others. Also, the virus is contagious in the early stages before symptoms appear. Prevention and Cures Although many countries are working on vaccines and medical treatment, to date there is no definitive cure or prevention from a western medical standpoint. What You Can Do to balance your system 1. First and foremost, if you can, don’t allow yourself to be exposed. 2. When possible, try to avoid unnecessary public trips and large crowds, especially in locations with known incidents of the illness and where a large percentage of people that travel internationally are found. 3. Follow good general hygiene practices and wash your hands regularly. 4. Stay rested, follow a healthy lifestyle, and stay balanced. A balanced body and immune system respond in a balanced manner when exposed to pathogens. 5. Follow a seasonal routine that is appropriate to your Prakriti (dosha makeup) and Vikriti (current state of imbalance), including going to bed early, eating food that balances your unique physiology, following a regular routine, and reducing stressful activities. 6. Don’t go out on empty stomach. Drink plenty of water boiled with ginger, cumin seed and lemon. 7. Eat nutritive diet. 8. Do yoga and deep relaxation with sound or music therapy. Cover your self while sneezing and coughing. 6. Use sanitizer frequently and avoid handshakes, instead do “Namaste”, if you need to. 9. Senior citizens need to be more careful, and quarantine themselves if they have diabetes, high blood pressure, asthma etc. 10. Avoid all unnecessary social contacts. If you feel seek — If you are having flu-like symptoms, it is best to stay home. If you feel you need medical care, contact your health provider or hospital first and tell them your symptoms, especially if you have reason to believe you have been in proximity or contact with individuals you believe may have contracted the virus. Your health professionals will guide you on how to handle your visit. Avoid using mass transit for your visit to the doctor or hospital. Even the flu is highly contagious and dangerous for the elderly and very young, so please remember to be especially careful and considerate of others. Protect Yourself and Community Whether one feels susceptible based on health or age, or not susceptible at all, for the sake of our family, friends, and communities each of us has a responsibility to limit our exposure to this virus. Keep in mind that if this illness were to spread relentless, our health care system could become overwhelmed, and this could result in an even higher mortality rate. For the sake of all those you care about, our nation, and world, now is a good time to be conservative and not needlessly expose yourself to this illness thereby endangering yourself and others. At, San Diego Ayurveda healing, I will be glad to help you out on how to best bring balance to your body and support your immune system. As we always care for global health and awareness. Long Term Prevention & Solutions Some formulae based on traditional Ayurvedic texts are time-tested over many generations and verified safe by modern testing and science. They are long-term solutions that bring balance to body, mind, and emotions. The ancient Vedic texts that embody Ayurveda state that we should obviate the danger yet to come. Ayurveda at its core, an ancient knowledge is prevention-oriented and individualized to each person based on their unique dosha makeup, also offers therapeutic measures for may challenging conditions with new emerging issues, if evaluated properly. Being a low profile Vaidya after evaluating the nature and spread of this pandemic, I felt it is my social responsibility as a head of trusted wellness organization to reach out and share our knowledge of the nature of this illness, and encourage suitable actions to protect ourselves. I at San Diego Ayurveda Healing wish that any global health concerns will be dealt with effectively, pass quickly, and not re-emerge with or without help of alternative care. There should not be any prejudice or underestimation of any system of medicine for our healthy future. The Indian civilization, being one of the most advanced in the world since Vedic ages, has always been ahead of its time with gifting the word “Namaste”, which is now propagated by most of the world leaders showing manner to respect each other. Ancient India, idealized vegetarianism and expounded Ayurveda, as a result, did not encounter any serious threat from any epidemic diseases in its millenniums of existence. India never created pandemic in history of its existence. Disclaimer : These statements not have been evaluated by by food and drug control administration and is not intended to diagnose , treat or cure any disease. This statements are for educational and information purpose only. |